Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fat or Fit at Fifty????

Wow, just typing that Title is depressing. Depressing in the sense that I am 48 (this week in fact) and the amount of time wasted, feeling gross and disgusted with half my life. (And when I did look great.........I was too young to know it!!!!)

So I have to ask myself..........why have I treated myself so shabbily. Why have I settled for a lesser verson of me?. Why am I afraid to shine?? Why am I so comfortable with being uncomfortable?

I can guess at the answers for some of these questions. Hopefully, as more information unfolds in my mind, with the Lord's help, I can deal with the negatives in my life.

I'm watching Bob Greene and Oprah.............on what I'm guessing is a re-run............but the information is still valid. "I've got to move to improve!!!" needs to be my new motto. I need to change my life one step, one bite at a time. I can ALWAYS find an excuse to not move..........but I need to take control and create more choices in my life!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Headline: "Mom Ruins Boys Life"

What does a 15 year old boy want? A 15 year old girl. (or 16, or 17 or whatever he can get his hands on!!!) What does this old Mom want? A break from hormonal boys!!!!!! How long has this been my lot in life???? Well, my oldest son is almost 24 and he was followed by three more boys. Let's just say..........I'm running out of energy! The energy needed to keep up with a 15 year old bundle of testosterone!!!! His one goal in life is to "kiss the girl". My one goal these days is to keep that from happening.

So, to acheive MY goal............I have to venture into my secret bag of mom tricks. Too bad this particular 15 year old is so smart. He's actually figured a few of them out already. No matter......the creativity of this mom in my stealth activities so far has seen no end.

Lately, my bag is filled with spies in the form of little tattletale sisters and MANY phone calls with the "other" mother. (Who is this case is as crazy and persistant as me and please don't tell our kids that we have WAY too many laughs while conducting our investigations!!!) We compare stories (emphasis on the word "stories" here), discuss discipline and basically conspire to "ruin" our children's lives!!!

Some might wonder why I care about a little kiss........maybe thinking I should mind my own business and let my son make his own decisions. Let me just set those people straight...........I've watched teenage boys make decisions..........and it is NOT pretty!!!!! Why am I so adamant? I have seen two of my sons become spiritually and emotionally strong men while keeping themselves morally clean and serving others for 2 years on a mission for our church. (Number three will be leaving soon) Only after arriving home does their thoughts turn back to their own goals and dreams for their future. This is when they have the skills to make life altering decisions that can fill their lives with true happiness and joy. I want no less for son number four..............and when he's old enough, he WILL thank me. Hopefully that will be sometime before he gets off the plane, having just finished his two years of service.